
Remaining Actively Dedicated
In Christ And Lovin It!!! (R.A.D.I.C.A.L.)

The purpose of our youth ministry is to Expose young people to God�s love through Jesus Christ, to Equip them with the necessary tools to Exalt God, Enjoy other believers, and Experience the work of ministry.
Young People Willing Workers (Y.P.W.W.)
The Junior Ministry is the senior high leadership composed of a Senior High Coordinator, Senior High Sunday School Teacher(s), and a leadership team of interested parents and singles for each of the areas of Discipleship, Evangelism and Outreach, Special Events, and Fellowships and Activities. Each of these leadership teams appoint a spokesman from within its group. All senior high parents function in an advisory capacity to the senior high leadership. The Senior High Coordinator is approved by the Board of Credential Holders. The Senior High Coordinator approve all other senior high leaders

Schedule of Events:

Youth Empowerment
Every Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Small Group
Every 2nd Friday at 7 p.m.

Friday Night Outing
4th Friday of every month at 7 p.m.

Youth Choir Practice
1st, 3rd, and 4th Saturday at 10 a.m.

Minister Brendan Nelson
Phone:(253) 314-2486